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Rep. Loudermilk Questions EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy on Overreach, Lack of Transparency

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) has issued the following statement on yesterday’s Science, Space, and Technology Committee hearing, which questioned the Environmental Protection Agency’s Administrator Gina McCarthy on the agency’s overreaching regulatory agenda:

“Federal Bureaucracies under this administration have consistently ignored Congress, the law and the American people. Yesterday, as I questioned EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy about the Waters of the US Rule, Administrator McCarthy acknowledged that the EPA failed to perform a required Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) on the Waters of the US regulation. Furthermore, evidence I presented during the hearing revealed that the administration made a political decision not to conduct an RIA and keep the American people in the dark on the impacts of this damaging regulation.

“As Chairman of the Oversight subcommittee, I have repeatedly requested documents from the EPA. In addition to routinely failing to meet the committee’s requests, the EPA recently sent nearly 2,000 pages of documents to the committee which contained nothing but unintelligible random characters.

“The overreaching regulations proposed by the current administration are not only killing our economy and jobs, but are stripping away the individual rights of hardworking Americans. We cannot sit idly by while this runaway agency continues to regulate us out of existence. Through my work on this and other areas, I will continue to demand transparency and adherence to the law by these agencies.”

Watch video of Rep. Loudermilk’s questions to Administrator McCarthy below.